Welcome to Kaleidoscope Press, where diverse voices in literature shine!

Submit Manuscript

You’ve worked hard on your manuscript, and we’re excited to read it. To make sure everything flows smoothly, please follow the rules below for submitting your manuscript to us.


  1. Use a legible font, such as Arial, Courier, or Times New Roman in a 12 point size.
  2. Use regular margins, such as 1 inch on all sides.
  3. Indent paragraphs.
  4. Double space the manuscript.
  5. Left justify the text.
  6. Include one space between sentences.


  1. Include a title page with the names and addresses of all authors.
  2. Include an abstract that summarizes the contents of the manuscript.
  3. Include keywords and an introduction.
  4. Ensure the manuscript is complete and final.

When you are sure that your manuscript follows these rules, please save it as a PDF file, and complete the form below.

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Author’s Full Name
This must be your legal full name.
Pen Name (If Used)
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload your manuscript in PDF format.
Provide any additional information or comments.
Author’s Mailing Address
Provide your SSN or ITIN for royalty payments. Royalties ARE reported to the IRS. We do not store your SSN on our server any longer than necessary to set up tax reporting.
Provide your PayPal email for royalty payments.