Welcome to Kaleidoscope Press, where diverse voices in literature shine!

In 2025, authors Stephen Byrd and Brian Vargas found themselves searching for a publisher for their latest books. After an exhaustive search, they thought they had discovered the perfect publishing house—only to realize it had gone out of business in 2017. Frustrated but inspired, they decided to take matters into their own hands. Together, they envisioned a publishing company that would fill the gap left by traditional publishers, offering a home for underrepresented voices in literature. And so, Kaleidoscope Press was born.

At Kaleidoscope Press, we are committed to publishing books that reflect the diverse experiences, perspectives, and creative visions of authors from all backgrounds. We strive to:

  • Foster a literary community that connects writers and readers in meaningful ways.
  • Amplify voices that have historically been overlooked in the publishing industry.
  • Provide flexible publishing options that empower authors.

What We Stand For

  • Diversity & Inclusion – We celebrate stories that challenge conventions, highlight unique cultures, and bring fresh perspectives to the literary world.
  • Quality & Integrity – We uphold the highest standards in editing, design, and marketing to ensure every book reaches its full potential.
  • Author Empowerment – Whether through traditional publishing, hybrid models, or self-publishing services, we work alongside authors to support their creative journey.
  • Reader Engagement – We create opportunities for readers to interact with authors, discover new voices, and become part of a thriving literary community.